Simple, direct and without intermediaries.

For healthy dogs and happy humans… and satisfied pet shop owners.
Sanadog.com is your dealer shop for natural and species-appropriate premium dog food made from fresh and high-quality ingredients such as fresh meat and fish, healthy organs, fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as high-quality oils and natural minerals. Likewise, we offer sustainable meet-free products made from vegetables and insect larvae, which that look like meat and are highly accepted by dogs.
We consistently avoid low-quality ingredients such as animal and meat meals, grains, fillers, artificial vitamins, or preservatives and we also consistently avoid industrial processes like extrusion or cold pressing, which significantly reduce nutrients in the original ingredients.
Our brand SANA is designed for distribution in pet stores, raw food stores, veterinarians, dog groomers, and small online shops. Our SANA brand is not distributed in large specialty retail chains or supermarkets. Likewise, we do not sell the SANA brand in direct B2C sales.
In addition to our main brand SANA, we offer three further brands for retailers.
FIDELIS specializes in the production of cooked dog food. The FIDELIS Fresh Menu has quickly gained many customers who were looking for easily digestible and cooked dog food. Therefore, the food is especially suitable for dogs with digestive problems or picky eaters.
BUNCH is designed as an entry-level or secondary brand. Retailers have repeatedly asked us if we could offer a wider range of products. Therefore, we created BUNCH to appeal to different customer groups with a different design taste and to provide retailers with a one-stop concept for premium snacks and food.
La FINCA is our newest brand. LA FINCA offers premium raw food in 500g slices and raw food cubes. For many retailers, raw food is the most important sales driver and should therefore not be missing in a premium snack and dog food store. LAFINCA products will be available starting in early 2024.
For orders exceeding a minimum value of 150 EUR, we ship across Europe via DHL. In Germany we offer free shipping for orders over 500 EUR. Shipping costs for frozen products will be automatically calculated by our shipping tool during checkout.
You can register here as a retailer and benefit from a good margin with premium specialized trade products. We look forward to our common cooperation.
Your Sanadog Team
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Minimum order value 150€

Optimal retailer margin

Automatic shipping cost calculation

Short delivery time
Four strong brands for your success

SANA represents natural and species-appropriate dog food and treats made from fresh and high-quality ingredients sourced from food production, such as fresh meat and fish, healthy organs, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as high-quality oils and natural minerals.
Additionally, as a market novelty, we offer sustainable meat-free products made from vegetables and insect larvae that look like meat and are gladly accepted by dogs.
In the FIDELIS Fresh Menus, high-quality meat and organs are slowly and gently cooked at low temperatures. Only then are various blanched vegetables, high-quality oils, and natural minerals added to the cooked food. This process maintains optimal taste and nutrients.
No high temperatures, no fillers, no artificial vitamin additives, no extrusion, no sterilized cans. The result: Like homemade, healthy food with all the nutrients from the fresh original ingredients, tasting as good as it looks. 100% natural and 0% artificial additives. Developed with veterinarians and made with love. Ideally suited for dogs with digestive problems and picky eaters. The FIDELIS Fresh Menus should be not missing in any store specialized in premium dog food.
Raw food and raw food snacks from LA FINCA should not be missing in any shop for high-quality dog food. We exclusively source our meat from selected suppliers whom we have known for years and who deliver only the best quality. Thanks to our modern cryogenic freezing system in our own factory, we can quickly freeze raw food, preserving nutrients optimally. LA FINCA is available in many different varieties as 500g slices or raw food cubes.
This is how modern dog nutrition works
Fresh raw materials
Sana means healthy, that's why we only use fresh, natural and unprocessed ingredients such as fresh meat, nutrient-rich fresh offal, healthy fresh fruits and vegetables as well as high-quality oils directly from human food production...
Manufactured through gentle processes
We therefore consistently avoid industrial processes such as extrusion or cold pressing, which significantly reduce nutrients in the original ingredients. We use gentle natural air drying which preserves nutrients of the fresh raw materials...
And fed in a wide variety of menus
In all honesty, we all have our favorite dish! But you certainly don't want to eat the same thing every day of the week either. That would not only be boring, but also absolutely unhealthy...

What our customers say
Let customers speak for us
from 204 reviewsQualität top, tolle Auswahl, Bestellung und Lieferung prompt, Kommunikation sehr gut.
Habe die Produkte nun bei mir im OnlineShop/Shop und bin überzeugt, dass es gut ankommt.
unseren Produkttestern hat es extrem gut geschmeckt
réactivité et efficacité avec de très bons produits pour les chiens

Thats a great service, I have a pet shop in Italy and I can order premium snacks directly from the factory without any intermediate. The delivery was fast and the quality aof the products are fantastic. 5 stars no doubt.
is was the first time that we order from sanadog and our real customers, the dogs, appreciate this snack. we open the backets and we offer them, each by each to several dogs, so the result we have is very good!

Wir sind von einem Mitbewerber zu Sana gewechselt aufgrund der immer schlechteren Qualität des Mitbewerbers.Nun sind wir wieder voll und ganz zufrieden.Wir benutzen die Leckerlies zum Hundetraining und erzielen sehr gute Erfolge bei 99 % der Hunde.Top Ware

Dog food can't be better than this! Natural and tasty at the same time. Clients already love Sanadog food for their dogs!

See all reviews »
Wir wussten, wenn wir einen nachhaltigen und umweltfreundlichen Leckerbissen für Hunde kreieren wollten, musste er aussehen, riechen und sich anfühlen wie echtes Fleisch - aber er durfte nicht tatsächlich aus Fleisch hergestellt werden. Das Endergebnis? Ein Reihe von nachhaltigen und umweltschonenden Leckerbissen für Hunde aus Insekten und Gemüse.
Wir sind stolz darauf, Ihnen unsere Produkte vorstellen zu können, die es bisher noch nicht gab. Wir haben Hunderte von Prototypen getestet und die Rezeptur perfektioniert, bis wir etwas hatten, das wie echtes Fleisch aussieht und riecht, aber tatsächlich aus Insektenlarven der schwarzen Soldatenfliege hergestellt sind. Ein gleiches Ergebnis konnten wir mit unsren reinen Gemüse und Früchtesnacks erzielen. Auch diese sehen aus und schmecken wie echtes Fleisch.
Wir freuen uns sehr über diese Produkte, denn sie helfen Ihnen, Ihr Haustier gesund und glücklich zu halten und gleichzeitig Ihren Beitrag zum Umweltschutz zu leisten, indem Sie Ihren CO2-Fußabdruck verringern.

Folge uns auf Instagram @sanadog_premium_dog_foods